The MC Story Wiki

There are several minor characters who appear in The MC Story and Virtis Tales, some of which containing names. This page lists the named characters, their appearances and possible deaths.

Name Picture Appearances Death Information
Threat Threat TubMetalKey is a minor antagonist who is part of Razer63's army and shares the same skin with each army member. He attacked Trock, Red and Gold and briefly overpowered Trock, but Gold rescued him by lodging a sword into Tub's head, killing him.
The Lost Supplies The Lost Supplies Lucozade11 is a regular player on Owner's server, who desperately hunts for loot, but is discovered and shot by Razer63 for not being part of his army.
Milko craft
Take over Take over Milko_craft is the first player Mob Destructor kills when he arrives in the main city to begin his take over on the server.
Virtis Virtis SelloTape7 was a member of Razer63's army. Red kills him when he launches a TNT cannon at a group of army members.
Virtis Virtis KitKatOF was a member of Razer63's army, also killed by Red when he fired a TNT cannon at a group of army members.
Virtis Virtis mcdman1 was a member of Razer63's army, killed in the same explosion caused by Red's TNT cannon.
The Lost Supplies The Lost Supplies Bin12 was a member of Razer63's army. Mob Destructor kills him when the army raid the cave he is in.
The Co-ordinates The Co-ordinates SampleText was a member of Razer63's army, killed by Mob Destructor during the hunt for the coordinate books in the city.
Persuasion Persuasion somename was a member of Razer63's army. He arrives at the forest to rescue Razer. As someone approaches Razer trying to tell him they arrived as fast as they could, Razer slices his head open out of anger.
Betrayal Betrayal TotalLocker32 was a member of Razer63's army who attempted to use a diamond pickaxe to dig into the obsidian bunker housing the operating supplies. Calious noticed him and placed sand down the vertical tunnel, suffocating him.
Mr Forrest
Spark Mr Forrest was Joseph Forrest's father who split up with Mrs Forrest. He was partially responsible for Joseph's rough upbringing. After he splits up with Mrs Forrest, Joseph lives his his father. One night Mr Forrest encourages Joseph to pursue his dreams by showing him a movie quote on TV, which is the spark that lead to Joseph devising The Virtis Project.
Mrs Forrest
Spark Mrs Forrest was Joseph Forrest's mother who split up with Mrs Forrest. She was partially responsible for Joseph's rough upbringing. After splitting up with Mr Forrest, Joseph lived with him instead of Mrs Forrest.
Brushy disintegrates

The Purge


Resistance BrushyTable77 was a member of Scorpion's army who hunted down Blue and Dr P3 when discovering them, with his partner. After a brief fight inside a house with the four, the other army member accidentally shoots Brushy with a Plague arrow when attempting to shoot Blue. BrushyTable77 succumbs to the plague and disintegrates.
Rebellion Rebellion pen18 was a member of Scorpion's army, guarding the server train station. Blue shoots him when he, along with two partners, capture Dr P3.
TurtlePeepey 12
Rebellion Rebellion TurtlePeepey_12 was a member of Scorpion's army, also guarding the train station. After Blue killed pen18, TurtlePeepey_12 attempted to attack him but was struck down by Blue's sword.
Rebellion Rebellion mcdman2 was a member of Scorpion's army who almost managed to kill Blue after he killed pen18 and TurtlePeepey_12. Dr P3 used his fishing rod to pull him back, and Blue got up and shot an arrow through his neck.